The renovated Butler Marine building includes office space for the Soil and Water Conservation District and Beaufort County Open Land Trust as well as classroom areas and a pavilion. The building’s construction includes “green” features like solar panels, LED lighting, and closed-cell foam insulation. The park also features a boardwalk and picturesque Crystal Lake, and is home […]
Vision for the Parks
We need your input! Please fill out our online survey to help the County create a plan for newly acquired public spaces. Click Here We would like to invite you to participate in a resident input process. Beaufort County’s Rural and Critical Lands Preservation Program has acquired approximately 23,000 acres of land for conservation, since […]
Crystal Lake Park-Center of Conservation

Crystal Lake: A Center of Conservation Beaufort County purchased Crystal Lake on Lady’s Island with funds from the Rural and Critical Lands Program. Now that property is poised to become a center of conservation inside urban growth. Friends of Crystal Lake, Inc is a group of volunteer residents working with Beaufort County to develop the […]
Okatie Regional Preserve Update

A Regional Park Coming Online Rural and Critical Lands is making more properties accessible to the public. In an exciting announcement, County officials are considering a 119-acre equestrian park at Okatie Marsh Heritage Preserve that would be created in conjunction with the town of Bluffton and a local nonprofit. The idea is to forge a public-private […]